Stem Cells

Stem cells are the source cells which exist in our body throughout life and are able to transform into all cell types. What makes stem cells special is differentiation and they have a specific ability. They can transform into the cells that the body needs by differentiating.

In their stem form, stem cells wait in certain locations of the body, and they can differentiate into muscle, bone, cartilage, brain, nerve tissue, blood and many other cell types by waking up with breakdown products that show up in the event of damage.

They spring into action in wound healing, tissue repair destroyed by a disease, inflammation suppression and in case of need for new cells.


The answer to this question is no. We have known for many years that stem cells circulate in our blood throughout all our lives. What is exciting is that highly successful and effective treatments seem possible by using adult stem cells.

These cells are derived from the bone marrow, but interestingly, they have already been stored in large amounts in the fat layer under our skin.

Those stored in the fat tissue are called "adipose stem cells". Besides a great number of stem cells are found in the fat tissue, they have a very high potential.

Other important advantages of them are that they can be easily taken from the fat tissue. Compared to the past, it is now possible to obtain them easily by using minimally invasive methods.


Stem cells are used in a quite wide range of treatments in compliance with the FDA guidelines and by obtaining an approval from the Ministry of Health.

As time goes by, the issue of stem cell therapy has been growing day by day.

Some disorders in which they are used in the treatment or disorders on which studies have been going on in term of using stem cells:

  • Osteoarthritis and pain such as knee, hip, shoulder and wrist/ankle
  • Low back and neck pain
  • Rheumatism
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Avascular necrosis, osteoecrosis
  • Neuropathies
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Parkinson, Alzheimer, ALS
  • Stroke-paralysis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Autism
  • Lyme

What is exciting about stem cell therapy is that it has a great potential in diseases for which the modern medicine cannot find a solution.

In their stem form, stem cells wait in certain locations of the body, and they can differentiate into muscle, bone, cartilage, brain, nerve tissue, blood and many other cell types by waking up with breakdown products that show up in the event of damage.


Stem cells derived from the bone marrow and adipose tissue are the most commonly used stem cells. In addition, synovium, cord, placenta or amnion-derived stem cells can be used.

The goal of all of them is to use a type of stem cells, called mesenchymal cells, because the type of stem cells used in the disorders mentioned above are the mesenchymal stem cells.

A-Bone marrow stem cells are administered by taking sample from the pelvic bone. There are two different methods.

1. About 20-60 ml of bone marrow sample is taken. It is then administered after being proliferated in the laboratory environment for 4-6 weeks.

2. 100 ml of bone marrow is taken and after being subjected to centrifugation process, it is administered on the same day.

B-Adipose-derived Stem Cells

1.Fat tissue sample; a sample of fat tissue as small as the size of a nail is taken and the stem cells in it are proliferated. 4-6 weeks of waiting period is required.

2. Depending on the disorder, 50-200ml of fat tissue is taken by performing mini liposuction in the abdomen or hip, called minimally invasive procedure. On the same day, stem cells are extracted in the laboratory environment and administered within 1-3 hours.

The methods are carried out under regional anaesthesia. No general anaesthesia is required. No hospitalization is required. Patients can go their home after the procedure and return to their daily lives.


After taking sufficient amount of sample, the centrifuge process is immediately initiated. Stem cells are extracted from other tissues and the obtained serum is injected into the patient. All procedures are completed within 1-3 hours.

Stem cells transform into the type of the cell needed by the body!

What caused a stir among researchers and patients is the stem cells' characteristic of transforming/differentiating into the cells needed by the body. Once the stem cells have been injected, they rapidly migrate to areas requiring repair, renewal, or growth.

For example, in the presence of a damage, they rapidly flow into the torn or distorted area. They also accelerate the proliferation of stem cell populations in the nearby region.

Tissue repair is off the starting blocks. Stem cells also have anti-inflammatory properties that are necessary during the so-called anti-inflammatory healing process. Thus, they are able to suppress the inflammatory period of rheumatism.

Stem cells also increase the blood flow in obstructed areas by creating new blood vessels and by repairing the vessels.

They can repair or regenerate nerve, bone, cartilage, organ tissues, and stem cells can even transform into red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma in case of need.

These are characteristics that make stem cells revolutionary and useful in numerous chronic conditions, diseases and tissue damages.


Of course, first of all, the individual should have a disease that can be treated with regenerative medicine. It can be used in the conditions that I have specified before

Although the number of stem cells decrease with age, there is no rule that there will be the same number of stem cells in two people of the same age.

Anyone seeking treatment can be a candidate for stem cell therapy by the nature of regenerative medicine. However, it is not recommended in pregnant women because of the difficulties in obtaining stem cells. It is not recommended in active cancer patients, it can be carried out after the treatment.


They spring into action in wound healing, tissue repair destroyed by a disease, inflammation suppression and in case of need for new cells.

Spec. Aşkın Nasırcılar, MD carries out cell therapy in all muscular, skeletal and joint disorders in Istanbul and Bursa.

Disorders for which stem cell therapy is performed or studies of which are continuing;

1-Osteoarthritis such as knee, hip, shoulder, ankle,

2-Meniscal tears of the knee,

3-Rotator cuff muscle tears of the shoulder,

4-Cruciate and lateral ligament tears of the knee,

5- Achilles injuries,

6- Plantar fasciitis in the heel

7- Waist, neck degenerations,

8- Osteolysis such as avascular necrosis, osteonecrosis,

9- Tennis elbow, golfer's elbow and other tendon, ligament injuries

10- Rheumatic diseases (Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Reactive arthritis etc.)

11-RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) (Algoneurodystrophy)

12-Autoimmune diseases (Scleroderma, SLE, Hashimato, MS etc.)

13-Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease


15-Stroke due to cerebral vascular occlusion, traumatic brain injuries

16-Neuropathies, nerve injuries

17-Heart failure

18-Kidney failure

19-Liver failure


21-Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases

22-Erectile dysfunction

You can find more information about Stem Cell Treatment in ourcontact page
